00:00:08This is a quick summary of what GT3 is
00:00:10Basically this is a machine learning model produced by opening
00:00:13I sponsored by a musket pushed in millions of dollars into this project
00:00:17You probably seen a couple of examples of the use case of the GT3
00:00:21I'd like to provide you with a few examples that we yet data Alliance, Ohio used to for our clients to satisfy some sort of problem in the business owner
00:00:30Mario we're going to continue this series by looking at how we generate a medium article in this case about deep learning
00:00:41So let's dissect what would make a good medium article about deep learning
00:00:45If I were to read one
00:00:46I would probably need to know first of all a quick summary of what is deep learning then give some concrete examples and then finally maybe to get a little bit of a hypothetical future for what's
00:00:58going to happen with the Now let's proceed how we gonna go the grip kind of output
00:01:03Well, the Jeep D3 model is powerful enough to basically do this for us
00:01:08However, we're gonna need to give it a little bit of so we're going to give it an answer to each question in the article from what a steep learning what are some examples and how will
00:01:20it look in the future how this looks in terms of coding I would suggest you watch the previous video we did about this when we did a cover letter generator
00:01:29So what we did did was we took some input which was some previous medium articles
00:01:34We then continued and running it through this model and then we gain some output
00:01:38Let's see what the results are
00:01:39Basically we can see that the results of answering each question of what is deep learning
00:01:44What are some examples for it and finally, how will it probably look in the future
00:01:49We're getting some pretty damn good results
00:01:51Now, let's just think about this from what I've given it with just one day of work
00:01:58It has produced a pretty good medium article this coming from a person who's got not that long of experiencing
00:02:07She learning and deep learning and utilizing these algorithms to their full potential
00:02:12So imagine this Jeep D3 model in the right kind of hands
00:02:17I think we got a lot of interesting projects to see here in the future and we here at data lines that aisle are going to continue to explore these so feel free to join us in
00:02:27this journey
00:02:28Me and I'll see you in the next one