00:00:00Let's talk a little more on innovation in Corporate America in general
00:00:04I mean Innovation is always been courted who you are tell you to think about your companies and your role
00:00:12In the corporate Suite in America are companies in general fostering in developing and Innovation and the leaders in Corporate America
00:00:21You've got a lot of them on this collar or we do we prioritize Innovation as much as we might or need to do you think right now? Well, I think there's this this Innovation, but then
00:00:33there's also just our CEOs in Corporate America focus enough on the on product Improvement
00:00:41I think the answer is no and I think generally a my advice to or recommendation really be spend less time on on finance spend less time in conference rooms less time on PowerPoint and more time
00:00:57Just trying to make your product as amazing as And from that why why is that is that because boards or more shareholders or to finance and return focused and help don't think adults about product is
00:01:16being at the heart of value is because a certain kind of skill is cultivated
00:01:24Why is that? Why why why do you why is that a problem in this Eastman? I think that might be too many mbas running companies
00:01:37There's the MBA ization of America, which I think is Maybe not that great
00:01:46There should be more focused on on the product the service itself
00:01:51Less time on board meetings last time on financials the fat financials come as a result of it
00:01:58Like we say like what's the point of of a company at all and why even have companies like a company is assembly of people gather together create a product or service and deliver that product or
00:02:09service and sometimes people lose sight of that a company has no value in and of itself it only has value to the degree that is effective allocator of resources to create goods and services that Are
00:02:22of greater value than the cost the inputs this thing we call profit is just just should just mean over time that the value of the output is worthwhile than the than the inputs but it's a
00:02:33reflection of the quality of the product more than so the product is good because it will be the prophets follow rather than profits being oversupply and sometimes it's through what sort of hat backwards and you
00:02:46know, if people are getting sort of the incentive structures coming from the financial side
00:02:51Side of things
00:02:52I don't know
00:02:53I just I just earnestly would recommend to anyone listening that just spend less time in meeting rooms less time on one PowerPoint presentations less time in a spreadsheet and more time on the factory floor or
00:03:08time with customers and I'll see a lot of people out there are already doing that
00:03:11But I just like I would just urge people to say like, hey step back a second and say Is your product as awesome as it could be probably not what could you do to make it
00:03:21make it great
00:03:22And you know, it's a whole like thing about Innovation, like maybe it has to be but breakthrough Innovation
00:03:28I don't think necessarily has to be very curvaceous to just like like, you know, just make a product better
00:03:35It's this is the thing that really matters